The ARC Lab research focuses primarily on the ecology, conservation, and life history of amphibians and reptiles, including several long term studies.
Current projects include:
- Life History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Eastern Massasauga
- Reintroduction and Recovery Efforts for the Alligator Snapping Turtle
- Ornate Box Turtle demographics and physiology
- Critical Assessment of the Conservation and Recovery Needs of Herpetofauna in Illinois
- Ecology and Conservation of the Blanding’s Turtle
- Snake community composition on a restored prairie
- Kirtland’s Snake Demographics
- Timber Rattlesnake hibernacula
- Blue-Spotted/Jefferson’s Salamander Complex
- Monitoring the Turtle Community at the U of I Arboretum Ponds
Past major projects have included:
- Community Structure and Composition of a Lentic System Turtle Community
- Ecology and Conservation of the Eastern River Cooter
- Assessment of Herpetofaunal Communities in the Kankakee Sands Habitats
- Effects of Flow Rates on the Smooth Softshell in the Kaskaskia River
- Demography and Viability of the Spotted Turtle
For more information, visit Dr. Dreslik’s webpage.