Raising frogs and advancing science

With over 40% of species at risk of extinction, amphibians are among the most imperiled groups on Earth. The biodiversity hotspot of Madagascar is not immune from this problem with nearly 47% of its endemic frog species at risk.

In 2010, Association Mitsinjo began working with IUCN and the government to develop an amphibian breeding facility. PhD Candidate Devin Edmonds has been working with the facility and their conservation programs. In addition to establishing captive assurance populations, this facility has provided important information on frog reproductive biology. The facility has successfully reared and released captive bred endangered Golden Mantella frogs into created habitat.

A paper, published today, reported on 1,272 captive breeding events from 11 additional frog species, including phenology, clutch sizes, oviposition, and larval development time. This information is often hard to obtain in the field, and these observations were the first described for many of these species.

Most of the species bred seasonally, but one, Mantella betsileanus, bred throughout the year and made up 86% of egg masses. Most species did not require environmental stimuli, aligning their behaviors with natural seasons, however Heterixalus betsileo only bred when placed in a modified rain chamber.

Researchers also learned that Gephyromantis mitsinjo lays eggs on land where tadpoles develop terrestrially within jelly, a behavior previously theorized but never observed.

The findings can help inform other captive breeding programs and increase success of conservation efforts for other imperiled species.

Read the complete paper in Zoobiology: Rakotoarisoa, Justin Claude, Andolalao RakotoarisonSolonirina RasoanantenainaEric RobsomanitrandrasanaSamina Sidonie Sam EdmondsJeanne SoamiarimampiononaEdupsie TsimialomananaSebastian WolfDevin Edmonds. 2024. Captive breeding reveals insights into the ecology and reproductive biology of 11 little-known Malagasy frog species. Zoobiology: https://doi.org/10.1002/zoo.21876


New paper on endangered Harlequin Mantella populations

Mantella cowani frog
photo by Devin Edmonds

The Harlequin Mantella is one of Madagascar’s most threatened frog species, known from 13 localities. The small, strikingly-colored frog that inhabits mountainous streams has been impacted by habitat degradation and illegal collection for the pet trade.

As part of a species conservation plan, PhD Candidate Devin Edmonds and his colleagues surveyed 11 of those sites and detected the frog at eight sites. The species is believed extirpated from the other three sites. Knowledge from local community members revealed two previously unknown locations, highlighting the importance of collaboration and engagement with the community.

Based on repeated surveys of three of the sites between 2015 and 2023, these small frogs can live 9 or more years in the wild as adults encountered in 2015 were still alive in 2023.

Despite finding two new sites, the populations are small and the frog is still imperiled. Conservation recommendations include upgrading the species to Critically Endangered. Continued monitoring of populations and habitats, and protection from poaching are necessary to conserve the species.

Read the paper published today in PeerJLife https://peerj.com/articles/17947

Edmonds, D., R.R. Andriantsimanarilafy, A. Crottini, M.J. Dreslik, J. Newton-Youens, A. Ramahefason, C. J. Randrianantoandro, and F. Andreone. 2024. Small population size and possible extirpation of the threatened Malagasy poison frog Mantella cowanii. PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.17947


New publication on Timber Rattlesnake movement

PACeLab PhD Candidate Andrew Jesper co-authored a new paper with his undergrad research advisor Scott Eckert at Principia College. Jesper and Eckert radio-tracked 29 individual Crotalus horridus (13 female, 16 male) in Jersey County, Illinois.

On average, males move greater daily distances and occupy larger home ranges than females, particularly during the summer when Timber Rattlesnakes find mates. Females dispersed shorter distances from their hibernacula than males. Several snakes were tracked over multiple years, and returned to their same general range each summer. This site fidelity may limit the success of translocating adult individuals.




Understanding the home range of imperiled reptiles is important to the design of conservation and recovery efforts. Despite numerous home range studies for the Threatened timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), many have limited sample sizes or outdated analytical methods and only a single study has been undertaken in the central midwestern United States. We report on the home range size, site fidelity, and movements of C. horridus in west-central Illinois. Using VHF telemetry, we located 29 C. horridus (13 female, 16 male) over a 5-year period for a total of 51 annual records of the species’ locations and movements. We calculated annual home ranges for each snake per year using 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths derived from Brownian Bridge utilization distributions (BBMM), and we also report 100% minimum convex polygons to be consistent with older studies. We examined the effects of sex, mass, SVL, and year on home range sizes and reported on movement metrics as well as home range fidelity using both Utilization Distribution Overlap Index (UDOI) and Bhattacharyya’s affinity (BA) statistics. The home range sizes for male and non-gravid C. horridus were 88.72 Ha (CI 63.41–110.03) and 28.06 Ha (CI 17.17–38.96) for 99% BBMM; 55.65 Ha (CI 39.36–71.93) and 17.98 (CI 10.69–25.28) for 95% BBMM; 7.36 Ha (CI 5.08–9.64) and 2.06 Ha (CI 1.26–2.87) for 50% BBMM; and 78.54Ha (CI 47.78–109.30) and 27.96 Ha (CI 7.41–48.51) for MCP. The estimated daily distance traveled was significantly greater for males (mean = 57.25 m/day, CI 49.06–65.43) than females (mean = 27.55 m/day, CI 18.99–36.12), particularly during the summer mating season. Similarly, maximum displacement distances (i.e., maximum straight-line distance) from hibernacula were significantly greater for males (mean = 2.03 km, CI 1.57–2.48) than females (mean = 1.29 km, CI 0.85–1.73], and on average, males were located further from their hibernacula throughout the entirety of their active season. We calculated fidelity to high-use areas using 11 snakes that were tracked over multiple years. The mean BBMM overlap using Bhattacharyya’s affinity (BA) for all snakes at the 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths was 0.48 (CI 0.40–0.57), 0.40 (0.32–0.49), and 0.07 (0.05–0.10), respectively. The mean BBMM overlap for all snakes using the Utilization Distribution Overlap Index (UDOI) at the 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths was 0.64 (CI 0.49–0.77), 0.32 (CI 0.21–0.47), and 0.02 (CI 0.01–0.05)), respectively. Our results are largely consistent with those of other studies in terms of the influence of sex on home range size and movements. The species also exhibits strong site fidelity with snakes generally using the same areas each summer, though there is far less overlap in specific (e.g., 50% UDOI) high-use areas, suggesting some plasticity in hunting areas. Particularly interesting was the tendency for snakes to disperse from specific hibernacula in the same general direction to the same general areas. We propose some possible reasons for this dispersal pattern.

Read the full article: Eckert, S.A., Jesper, A.C. Home range, site fidelity, and movements of timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in west-central Illinois. Anim Biotelemetry 12, 1 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40317-023-00357-8


New paper analyzing long term data on Ornate Box Turtle survival

box turtle
Ornate Box Turtle Photo by D. Edmonds

PaCE Lab doctoral candidate Devin Edmonds has a new paper in the journal Wildlife Biology: “Evaluating Population Persistence of Ornate Box Turtles (Terrapene ornata) at the Northeast Edge of their Distribution.”

This work analyzed 34 years of data from one site and 8 years of data from another to estimate female and juvenile survival and population growth over time. Being able to look at a population over a long period of time provides a better understanding of the population. This study also highlighted the need to protect adult female Ornate Box Turtles if the populations are to persist.

This work was co-authored with members of the Wildlife Epidemiology Lab.


Abstract: Turtles and tortoises are among the most threatened vertebrate groups. Their life history is characterized by delayed sexual maturity and a long lifespan, making populations susceptible to decline following perturbations. Despite the urgent conservation need, we are missing estimates of basic demographic traits for many species and populations. The ornate box turtle (Terrapene ornata) is a species lacking crucial demographic data. Many populations are isolated in fragmented habitats, especially in the eastern portion of their range. We carried out long-term capture-mark-recapture surveys on two isolated populations in northern Illinois to estimate population vital rates and project population persistence with deterministic stage-based matrix models. Using 34 years of data, we estimated adult female survival = 0.974 (95% CI: 0.946–0.988) and juvenile survival = 0.867 (95% CI: 0.688–0.951) at our most intensively surveyed site. At a second site using 8 years of data, we estimated adult female survival = 0.897 (95% CI: 0.783–0.954) and juvenile survival = 0.844 (95% CI: 0.551–0.960). Despite seemingly high annual survival rates, populations declined under population projections using mean vital rates. Population growth was most sensitive to adult survival, with increasing sensitivity under more pessimistic scenarios. Our results highlight the importance of long-term demographic studies for threatened species and demonstrate protecting adult female ornate box turtles is critical for ensuring populations persist at the northern edge of their distribution.

Read the full paper:

New paper on more efficiently detecting Kirtland’s Snake

kirtland's snake
Kirtland’s Snake

Recent PaCE Lab graduate Tyler Stewart published a paper on his M.Sc. work creating a species distribution model for the rare and cryptic Kirtland’s Snake, Clonophis kirtlandii. He found that surveys Mid-May to early July when there was high cloud cover, moderate air temperature, and low relative humidity enhanced the detection probability of this species.



Snakes are difficult to study due to their cryptic coloration, minimal movements, and use of inaccessible habitats. Although well‐timed surveys during a species’ active season can result in higher detection rates and conserve survey resources (i.e., time and money), survey effort may not ensure the detection of rare and cryptic species. Thus, in such instances, a strategic species‐ specific sampling design is needed. The Kirtland’s snake (Clonophis kirtlandii) is a rare, cryptic species assumed to be experiencing range‐wide declines. Naturalists have noted the disappearance of Kirtland’s snakes from various habitats since the early 1970s. The primary objective of our study was to determine detection of Kirtland’s snakes and the environmental and temporal factors influencing detection. We calculated the effort needed to detect individuals at sites by estimating detection probabilities of 3 known Kirtland’s snake populations in Illinois from 2019 to 2021. Based on 77 Kirtland’s snake detections over 226 site visits (34.1%) across 3 study sites, we found that high cloud cover, moderate air temperature, and low relative humidity enhanced the detection probability of this species. The middle of May to the beginning of July was the best time to conduct surveys when detection rates were highest. As our results suggested, it is imperative to establish strategic monitoring programs maximizing conservation resources to document populations for conservation action and range shifts for species of conservation concern, such as Kirtland’s snakes.

Stewart, T. A., A.R. Kuhns, C.A. Phillips, J.A. Crawford, and M.J. Dreslik.  2023. Estimating the effort required to detect Kirtland’s snakes (Clonophis kirtlandii). Wildlife Society Bulletin. http://doi.org/10.1002/wsb.1498

New paper on Baron’s mantella frog, co-authored by Devin Edmonds

frog on moss
Mantella baroni photo by Devin Edmonds

INHS PaCE Lab PhD candidate Devin Edmonds co-authored a recent paper on habitat features of Baron’s Mantella Frog. Tantely Rasoarimanana (Université d’Antananarivo) and Olivier Marquis (Paris Zoo) led the collaboration with the NGO Man and the Environment. The study aimed to identify what microhabitat features explain the presence of Baron’s mantella frog (Mantella baroni) and also estimate their population sizes in Vohimana Reserve, eastern Madagascar. We found that leaf litter depth and the number of small trees in a quadrat were important habitat features; deeper leaf litter and fewer small trees explained if M. baroni was present.

New paper on timing prescribed fires to avoid Ornate Box Turtle mortality

Ornate Box Turtle photo by D. Edmonds

PhD candidate Devin Edmonds is lead author on a paper published this week in Journal of Wildlife Management. Recognizing the importance of fire for prairie management, Edmonds et al. examined the behavior and physiology of Ornate Box Turtles to predict when turtles would be underground, sheltered from fire.



Fire is a vital management tool for maintaining prairie ecosystems. Prescribed burns control invasive species, regulate succession, stimulate plant growth, and are a cheap and effective method for removing excess biomass; however, fire can also inadvertently cause wildlife mortality, placing land managers in a challenging situation. Turtles are especially at risk of mortality from fire because of their low mobility and population sensitivity to reductions in adult survival. We studied ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata) at 3 sites in Illinois, USA, from 2019–2022 to determine the best predictors of above-ground activity so land managers can conduct prescribed burns when turtles are underground. We used turtle shell temperature, air temperature, soil temperature, and precipitation data to develop a predictive model of above-ground activity. The best model for predicting above-ground activity included an interaction between day of year and current air temperature. Earlier in spring and later in fall, above-ground activity is more likely at higher air temperatures compared to later in spring and earlier in fall when the same likelihood of above-ground activity is predicted at lower air temperatures. In spring, we recommend burning in Illinois ornate box turtle habitat before 1 April when air temperature is <10°C and in fall after 1 November when air temperature is <15°C. Above these temperature thresholds, there is a >5% likelihood that turtles in northern populations are above ground.

Read the full paper:

Edmonds, D. A., Bach, E. M., Colton, A. L., Jaquet, I. S., Kessler, E. J., and Dreslik, M. J.. 2023. Avoiding mortality: timing prescribed burns in ornate box turtle habitat. Journal of Wildlife Management e22510. https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.22510

Read more from Elizabeth Bach and Devin Edmonds on the Grassland Restoration Network blog: Ornate box turtle emergence


New paper on Alligator Snapping Turtle movement by ARC program leader Ethan Kessler

Translocated Alligator Snapping Turtle with radio transmitter attached

A paper just out this week  in the Journal of Wildlife Management, “Movement behavior and passive dispersal of a reintroduced population of alligator snapping turtles” found that translocated AST behaved similarly to wild populations, and is largely passive. This can have conservation implications as reintroduced animals may be transported downstream by high flows.



Maladaptive movement behavior is a leading cause of failure for reptile reintroductions, thus characterizing movement for translocated populations is important to project success. From 2014–2016 we radio-tracked 183 immature reintroduced alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminckii) using very high frequency telemetry in a stream in southern Illinois, USA. We assessed environmental, temporal, morphometric, and microhabitat factors influencing movement, including post-release dispersal from reintroduction sites, movement probability, and step length. We used directional statistics to investigate the effects of precipitation and age on directional movement in the stream. Numerous factors influenced active movement, including ambient temperatures, time since release, use of log jams, turtle size, and age. Precipitation had an age-biased effect on movement. Directional analyses suggested that movement was largely passive as turtles were swept downstream with increased discharge. Overall, the behavior of reintroduced alligator snapping turtles was similar to that reported in wild populations. Passive downstream transport has implications for reintroduced and natural populations as a force for unintentional emigration in channelized streams under current conditions and future high flow regimes.

Read the full paper here.

Kessler, Ethan J. and Michael J. Dreslik. 2023. Movement behavior and passive dispersal of a reintroduced population of alligator snapping turtles. Journal of Wildlife Management. https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.22511

New Timber Rattlesnake publication by PhD candidate Andrew Jesper

Trailcam image of Timber Rattlesnake at den opening

Abstract: Many temperate reptiles survive winter by using subterranean refugia until external conditions become suitable for activity. Determining when to emerge from refugia relies on the ability to interpret when above-ground environmental conditions are survivable. If temperate reptiles rely on specific environmental cues such as temperature to initiate emergence, we should expect emergence phenologies to be predictable using local climatic data. However, specific predictors of emergence for many temperate reptiles, including the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), remain unclear, limiting our understanding of their overwintering phenology and restricting effective conservation and management. Our objectives were to identify environmental cues of spring emergence for C. horridus in Illinois to determine the species’ emergence phenology, and to examine the applicability of identified cues in predicting emergence phenology across the species’ range. We used wildlife cameras and weather station-derived environmental data to observe and predict the daily surface presence of C. horridus throughout the late winter and early spring at communal refugia in west-central and northern Illinois. The most parsimonious model for predicting surface presence included the additive effects of maximum daily temperature, accumulated degree days, and latitude. With a notable exception in the southeastern U.S., the model accurately predicted the average emergence day for eight other populations range wide, emphasizing the importance of temperature in influencing the phenological plasticity observed across the species’ range. The apparent broad applicability of the model to other populations suggests it can be a valuable tool in predicting spring emergence phenology. Our results provide a foundation for further ecological enquiries and improved management and conservation strategies.


Read the paper at:

Jesper AC, Eckert SA, Bielema BJ, Ballard SR, Dreslik MJ. 2023. Phenology and predictors of spring emergence for the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) PeerJ 11:e16044 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.16044